2013年4月21日 星期日

[Android] How to run successfully the example apps in "Learning Android Game Programming" book

This article is mainly the problems encountered in the learning process, write it down for everyone to share. First, get the book examples' source:
Download the book example, and then using the Ellipse open and run the program. We see the result shown a message (see below) began to appear a black screen, and finally the project has stopped, running properly.


This is the description by chapter_2_code \ V302 example.The Ellipse is opened File> New> Project> Android> Android Project from Existing Code

In the New Project dialog window, press "Next", then appear the Import Project of dialogue window, click "Browse ..." to set the Root Directory.

Press "Finish" project is open (see below).

Set StartActivity project in the Package Explorer \ right mouse\ Properties \ Android \ Project build Target, select Android 2.2, and then press the "Apply" button to set the selected item

In the Project Properties \ Java Build Path, check the Android 2.2 andengine.jar - startActivity / lib Android Dependencies, and then press the "OK" button to complete the setting.

Then run the program, we want correctly

